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OECS Education Statistical Digest

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The distribution of the various levels of educational institutions in 7 Member States is divided into the following categories

Special Schools
Daycare Centres

The preliminary section of the Digest Provides important background information on country infographics and the general structure of education systems in the OECS region. Subsequent chapters detail the number of institutions; information on leaders and teachers; data on student enrolment; the internal efficiency of the systems; system outputs - specifically examination results; and some information on the financing of education in the sub-region. Recently, the inclusion of historical data has enhanced the presentation by reflecting charges over time. The ESD, therefore, assists decision-makers in identifying and considering trends and realities in OECSnational education systems for open communication, research, reflection, further analysis, assessment and monitoring of system performance.

Education leaders and policy-makers, teachers, students and parents will find herein a wealth of information that can assist in more meaningful participation and benefit from, their educational environment. Development partners and donors will find justification for their support, as well as a rationale for expanding support into new areas, while academia will find timely and readily available data and information on education in the sub-region

Education statistics provides a means for conducting both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The information garnered from such analysis is vital in assisting with the development of policy and strategies for further improving the education system. The data are useful to many audience including parents, students, teachers, development partners, academia and the media. This is the fourth release of the OECS Education Statistical Digest. Member States of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) contribute to the production of this annual report to help inform policy-makers about the progress of education in the region.

Education Statistical Digest 2013-2014

In seeking these improvements we remain alert to the fact that our efforts do not merely end with the production of statistics but rather in its use both by the Commission and our various stakeholders. For this reason, we are heartened to note that the OECS States that have recently developed new Education Sector Development Plans have gone through an extensive situational analysis that is based on up-to-date education data as well as information from other relevant social and economic sectors. Also of note, is the increasing uptake of opportunities by our Education Planners and Statisticians to use simulation modelling to explore and compare the impact of implementing various policy options in the system. The new plans that have emerged from these processes are more reflective of the realities of those States and take better account of their limited human and financial resources.

Data presented in this digest is based on submissions education institutions in response to the 2012/13 academic data presented in this digest is based on submissions education institutions in response to the 2012/13 academic year annual schools’ questionnaire which was submitted to the respective Ministry of Education from the early childhood to tertiary level of education to the OECS Commission. The data collected are used to calculate indicators necessary to track and monitor progress towards the attainment of targets and goals in the OECS Education sector strategy (OESS), Education For All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

The preliminary chapters of the Digest provide brief details on country demographics and pictorial representations preliminary chapters of the Digest provide brief details on country demographics and pictorial representation of the general structure of education systems in the OECS. The other chapters detail the number of Institutions, information on leaders and teachers, data on student enrolment, a look at the internal efficiency of the systems, system outputs – specifically examination results – and some information on financing education.

The 2013 Edition of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Education Statistical t Digest is the first issue in a series of what is planned to be yearly publications. The OECS Education Statistical Digest is a compilation of statistical information from the early childhood to the tertiary level of education among the OECS Member States beginning with data contained in this digest submitted by the Ministries of Education across the Member States. This edition presents details of data for the academic school year 2010 –11 in most instances, although some countries have submitted details on a more recent year.

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