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OECS Human and Social Division (HSD)


The OECS Human and Social Division of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States focus on numerous areas in the Eastern Caribbean including Health, Gender Equality, Social Development, Pharmaceuticals, Youth and Education. 

The Vision of the Human and Social Division is "An OECS where every learner succeeds, every person is valued and people live healthy, happy and productive lives". The mission is "To transform lives and help each person reach their full potential through regional education, health and social policies and programmes" under the Motto "Leave No One Behind".


The Human and Social Division work programme objectives are based on three Strategic Priorities of the organisation

Accelerate Regional Integration

To Facilitate the Establishment of a Functional Economic Union.

Value the Environment

To Enhance our ability to plan, manage, mitigate and respond to disaster and Outbreak

Advance Equity and Inclusion

To Reduce Disparities in Health, Education and Social Outcomes

Objectives The objectives of the Human and Social Division which fall under these priorities are  Increase access to the benefits of the union, by enabling human services professionals to move freely and enabling portability and reciprocity of health, education and social benefits. Reduce Social Vulnerability and Enhance capacity at the national and regional level to plan, manage and mitigate extreme events Reduce Disparities in Health, Education and Social Outcomes through Improving Delivery of Quality Health, Education and Social Services Valuing Diversity and Inclusion Ensuring Equitable and Sustained Access to Relevant Supporting Technologies and Resources Strengthening Regional and NAtional Evidence-Based Decision making by improving availability accessibility and quality of Health, Social and Education Data and Information

Units of OECS Human and Social Development

1 - Social Inclusion and Social Protection Unit (SISP)

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Social Inclusion and Social Protection Unit is driven by the Social Inclusion and Social Protection (SISP) Strategic Vision: "Every Person is Valued" which drives the unit's main focus of 

  • Facilitating effective social protection responses
  • Building human and community resilience
  • Facilitating social reintegration and inclusive communities

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2 - Education Development and Management Unit (EDMU)

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The Education Development and Management Unit Is driven by the OECS Education Sector Strategy (OESS) vision: "Every Learner Succeeds" which drives the unit's main focus of 

  • Improving participation, especially among disadvantaged groups, in early education. 
  • Extending opportunities for post-secondary and tertiary education to a broader cross section of the population.
  • Establishing standards of practice and performance in teaching and learning which are aligned with international best practices.
  • Adapting to a curriculum content that better reflects the knowledge and skills required for a dynamic and technologically driven global work environment.
  • Instituting cost-effective solutions to the delivery of the education service.
  • Initiating teacher recruitment, retention and professional development policies.
  • Creating opportunities for the greater involvement of the private sector in the delivery of quality education.
  • Strengthening the policy and regulatory framework.

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3- Health Unit (HU)

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Health Unit is driven by the OECS Health Agenda 2017-2030 Vision: "OECS People Living Healthy, Happy and Productive Lives" which drives the unit's main focus of 

  • Healthy Environments and Health Empowerment
  • Equity in Access to Sustainable Quality Healthcare Services
  • Accessible Information for Strategic Governance of Health Systems 
  • Long-term Investment in the Health Sector

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Leaders of Human and Social Division


Mrs. Sisera Simon, Head of Human & Social Division

Mrs. Sisera Simon assumed the role of Head of the Human & Social Division in September 2023. Her portfolio includes strategic oversight and leadership of programmes and projects covering:  Social Inclusion and Social Protection, Education, Health and Youth Development programmes.

Mrs. Simon is an educator with thirty (30) years of experience in the field of education. Prior to joining the OECS Commission in 2013, she served in several capacities within the Ministry of Education of the Government of St. Lucia, including Education Planning Officer, Research Officer as well as Training Officer.

She holds a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education with additional certification in Early Childhood Education and a Master's in Education with emphasis in Secondary Education from Cameron University. She is also a Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute - PMI, and continues to engage in continuous professional development in Monitoring & Evaluation, Education Statistical Data and Analysis, Performance-Based Management, Disaster Risk Reduction and School Supervision and Reform.


Dr. Roxanne Brizan St Martin, Programme Director Health, Social Inclusion and Social Protection

Dr. Roxanne Brizan-St. Martin is an Economist, Project Manager, and Educator with over 17 years of regional experience in developmental work and academia. Her areas of specialization are Health, Social, and Development Economics with a focus on health systems management, healthcare access, health and social financing, and social programming and financing.

Her training, development, and project experience spans several areas including local capacity advocacy and policy monitoring for civil society organizations, capacity building, results-based project management, strategic planning, gender statistics and gender equality, social protection, and inclusion. As a specialist in the System of Health Accounts (SHA 2011) methodology, she has executed capacity-building and estimation initiatives in several Caribbean countries.

As an Educator, formerly employed with The University of the West Indies St Augustine Campus she is trained in University Teaching and Learning (PgDip) and have served on several faculty and departmental committees focused on academic advising, outreach, mentorship, and youth engagement.

Dr Brizan-St. Martin assumed the role of Programme Director in June 2024 with the mandate to plan, structure, lead and drive Health, Social Inclusion and Social Protection programmes in the OECS Member States.


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