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A vital industry. The competitiveness of an economy depends in large part on the efficiency of its transportation sector by allowing it to trade goods and services on a timely basis with lower transaction costs. As a region made up of island nations with small domestic markets, an efficient maritime shipping sector is particularly important for the OECS. Unfortunately, the region’s maritime shipping sector is not competitive. The World Bank estimates that transportation costs in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) as a percentage of GDP fall between 16% and 26% on average, which is significantly higher than the OECD average of 9%


This report compiles relevant pre‐existing data including research conducted offsite, documents feedback from the producers and recommends a country strategy and action plan specific to St Vincent. A country action plan has been developed to address specific issues in St Vincent whose country strategy is built around developing local and regional markets for Vincentian craft products, as well as training to enhance production and quality of the diverse range of craft produced (from banana leaves to textile to straw, to recycled bottle caps). 


This country report for St Lucia has been prepared for the Diagnostic Review of the OECSEDU clients in the Arts & Craft Sector consultancy project. This report is the result of stakeholder consultation on September 10th 2010 a brainstorming meeting, visits to OECS‐EDU clients and other artisans in St. Lucia. Additionally, this report compiles relevant pre‐existing data, research conducted offsite, documented feedback from the producers, and recommendations on a country strategy and action plans specific to St Lucia.


The Government of Saint Lucia, with assistance provided by the Caribbean Development Bank, has developed a Medium-Term Development Strategic Plan, for the period 2011-2015. The Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and National Development was the agency given the responsibility for the exercise and contracted Kairi Consultants to assist in the task.

OECS Commission Gender Policy

This Gender Policy of the Commission of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECSC) builds on the organisational Gender Mainstreaming Policy of 2013 (GEM) and will boost efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This policy is intended not only to promote gender equality in the Eastern Caribbean but also to define key commitments, principles and expected outcomes. It is to be aspirational, inspirational and practical for both the internal operations of the OECS Commission and its external relations, including with the Member States.

Given its broader development, coordination and technical mandate, the Commission is uniquely positioned to support OECS Member States (MS) in achieving gender equality, notably by fostering women's economic empowerment, ensuring non-discrimination based on sex or gender, and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion for all, to ensure that gender is more effectively mainstreamed in all aspects of development in the region for the benefit of all individuals irrespective of sex or gender.
The ambition is for an OECS Commission that is consistently gender-responsive in its approach to development including the use of financial and technical resources for internal and external purposes.

At the Third Meeting of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Environment Policy Committee (EPC) in September 1999, OECS Ministers of the Environment requested that the OECS Secretariat prepare an “OECS Charter for Environmental Management” and “a regional strategy... that will become the framework for environmental management” in the region. In accordance with the Ministers’ request, the OECS Natural Resources Management Unit (now the Environment and Sustainable Development Unit, ESDU) developed the St. George’s Declaration of Principles for Environmental Sustainability in the OECS (SGD), which was signed by the OECS Ministers of the Environment. In accordance with the Ministers’ request, the OECS Natural Resources Management Unit (now the Environment and Sustainable Development Unit, ESDU) developed the St. George’s Declaration of Principles for Environmental Sustainability in the OECS (SGD), which was signed by the OECS Ministers of the Environment in April 2001. The Declaration sets out the broad framework to be pursued for environmental management in the OECS region.

OECS GREENLINK: Volume 1 | Issue 1

Happy New Year and best wishes for a safe and productive 2021. I am delighted to present this inaugural edition of GreenLink – the quarterly newsletter of the OECS Commission’s Environmental Sustainability Division. Over the years, the Division has undertaken several projects in OECS Member States that have resulted in tangible and intangible benefits to our citizens. These projects have included works on slope stabilization, biodiversity conservation, energy efficiency, and climate change adaptation and mitigation, to name a few. Our mandate as a Commission is to improve the lives of OECS citizens through sustainable interventions. While the emergence of COVID-19 has staggered the pace of implementation, our drive and commitment to serve you remain resolute. Our current realities have amplified the need to keep you informed about ongoing interventions spearheaded by the Division, and by extension, the Commission, in a timely manner. We hope that GreenLink will serve as a catalyst for change in the way that we engage you, our valued stakeholders. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of all who have made this inaugural issue a reality. Your creative thoughts have served up a unique blend of rich articles and contributions, which we hope that you, our readers, will savour.

The OECS Education Statistical Digest 2018-19 provides comprehensive data on education in the OECS region, covering student enrolment, teacher qualifications, examination results, and education financing.

  • Enrolment & Participation: Early childhood education enrolment is increasing, while primary and secondary enrolment trends vary across member states. Private institutions play a significant role in early childhood education.
  • Teacher Quality: A high percentage of teachers at both primary and secondary levels are trained, but disparities exist between countries. Female educators dominate the workforce.
  • Student Performance: Girls outperform boys in national and regional examinations. CSEC pass rates in core subjects like Mathematics and English remain a concern.
  • Efficiency & Dropout Rates: Repetition and dropout rates vary, with secondary-level dropout rates higher among males.
  • Education Financing: OECS governments allocate 8-18% of their budgets to education, with varying levels of investment per student.

The report emphasizes the need for data-driven decision-making to improve educational outcomes and align with regional and global education goals.

Policy Statement

The OECS Commission is committed to providing a safe environment for all its personnel free from discrimination on any ground and from harassment at work including sexual harassment. The OECS Commission will operate a zero-tolerance policy for any form of sexual harassment in the workplace, treat all incidents seriously and promptly investigate all allegations of sexual harassment. Any person found to have sexually harassed another will face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment. All complaints of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and treated with respect and in confidence. No one will be victimised for making such a complaint.


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