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Knowledge Background

St. Lucia Arts Crafts Sector Diagnostic Review


St. Lucia Arts Crafts Sector Diagnostic Review


This country report for St Lucia has been prepared for the Diagnostic Review of the OECSEDU clients in the Arts & Craft Sector consultancy project. This report is the result of stakeholder consultation on September 10th 2010 a brainstorming meeting, visits to OECS‐EDU clients and other artisans in St. Lucia. Additionally, this report compiles relevant pre‐existing data, research conducted offsite, documented feedback from the producers, and recommendations on a country strategy and action plans specific to St Lucia.

File Name: St. Lucia Arts Crafts Sector Diagnostic Review..pdf
Category: Business
Hits: 1994 Hits
Download: 378 times
Created Date: 10-07-18
Last Updated Date: 06-01-21

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