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Knowledge Background

Factors Inhibiting Intra-regional travelling


Factors Inhibiting Intra-regional travelling


Work on this Study was informed by the expectations of key stakeholders that the results will offer viable, practical resolutions to the challenges related to the air transportation sector in the OECS Region. To achieve this outcome, El Perial approached the project primarily from the perspective of persons travelling or potentially travelling within the Region. To inform and assist with this approach, three (3) types of surveys were conducted across the OECS Region during the Study to take account of three (3) key stakeholders:

 Tourism Authorities
 Business Organizations
 General Public

The surveys for the Tourism Authorities and Business Organizations were supplemented by interviews that probed deeper their responses to the questionnaires.

File Name: Annex 10_Report_Study on Factors Inhibiting Intra-Regional Travel.pdf
Category: Tourism
Hits: 2484 Hits
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Created Date: 30-06-16
Last Updated Date: 03-05-21

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