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End of Project Review and Evaluation December 2021


End of Project Review and Evaluation December 2021

As concluded by its mid-term review and as confirmed by this evaluation, the Caribbean Regional Oceanscape Project (CROP) represents a major step in the important, innovative, long-term process aimed at developing a sustainable blue economy in the OECS region. It is a process that began a decade ago, when the OECS Commission and its Member States committed themselves to set up adequate ocean governance as a requirement for the development of a blue economy in the region, within the framework of the Eastern Caribbean Regional Ocean Policy (ECROP). The CROP was implemented thanks to funds from the GEF channelled through the World Bank. Over its four years of implementation, the project has produced an impressive amount of quality outputs and triggered a number of important processes that provide the foundation for a transition towards effective ocean governance and a vibrant blue economy in the region.

File Name: End of Project Review and Evaluation December 2021.pdf
Category: Oceans Governance and Fisheries
Hits: 647 Hits
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Created Date: 23-05-22
Last Updated Date: 23-05-22

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