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CROP 1.2 Developing National Ocean Policies and Strategies - Output 2 Final Baseline Report


CROP 1.2 Developing National Ocean Policies and Strategies - Output 2 Final Baseline Report

This report represents Output 2 of Component 1.2 of the Caribbean Regional Oceanscape Project (CROP) consultancy. It is a baseline assessment and gap analysis of national policies, and policy delivery capacity for national priorities, for Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines. It also assesses compliance and consistency with the Eastern Caribbean Regional Ocean Policy (ECROP).

As set out in the CROP 1.2 terms of reference, the report presents as an overarching regional analysis with annexes which comprehensively review each individual country’s situation which can then be used to set the framework for the delivery of bespoke National Ocean Policies (NOP) and Coastal and Marine Spatial Plans (CMSP).

File Name: Policy Baseline analysis FINAL 29042019.pdf
Category: Oceans Governance and Fisheries
Hits: 588 Hits
Download: 251 times
Created Date: 07-12-21
Last Updated Date: 28-03-25

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