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Knowledge Background

Process Framework Report: Coastal and Marine Spatial Plans and Training


Process Framework Report: Coastal and Marine Spatial Plans and Training

As part of the CROP, a Process Framework has been prepared and this expresses aspects of the World Bank’s Social Safeguard Operational Policy 4. This policy offers detailed guidance on how to anticipate and lessen adverse impacts on persons and livelihoods caused by project-related activities.  Why does this matter?  While the coastal and marine spatial plans being produced under the CROP will promote the Blue Economy, in implementing these plans post-CROP, there is the potential that some persons and/or livelihoods may be affected.  

The Process Framework provides guidance to ensure that all persons that may be affected are consulted and involved in the design of the coastal and marine spatial plans, implementation of plans, and monitoring, to avoid or lessen any potential adverse impacts. The Process Framework places special emphasis on relatively vulnerable persons such as the poor, women, and indigenous peoples.

File Name: 2019-10-15 Process Framework FINAL.docx.pdf
Category: Oceans Governance and Fisheries
Hits: 1195 Hits
Download: 358 times
Created Date: 21-10-19
Last Updated Date: 14-07-20

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