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Knowledge Background

Blue Economy Promotional and Marketing Strategy/Plan


Blue Economy  Promotional and Marketing  Strategy/Plan

The proposed promotional strategy and marketing plan includes a portfolio of investment and Blue Economy development projects that both utilize and strengthen institutional, infrastructural and policy interventions within the region’s marine and coastal areas. These include the implementation of coastal master plans (CMP), marine spatial plans (MSP) and their associated policy and institutional components such as national ocean policies (NOP) and national ocean governance committees (NOGC). Additionally, the portfolio of Blue Economy-related initiatives is expected to advance the OECS’ blue growth priority areas including the interconnected sectors of fisheries, shipping, tourism, and transportation; traditional livelihoods and local activities inclusive of artisanal fisheries, aquaculture inclusive of seamoss farming , wellness and recreational use; new opportunities in the emerging sectors of renewable energy and bioprospecting; and enhanced management of ecological vulnerability.

File Name: 2021.09.30 Final Output 11B - Marketing Strategy Plan for Blue Economy FULL.pdf
Category: Oceans Governance and Fisheries
Hits: 1084 Hits
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Created Date: 07-12-21
Last Updated Date: 07-12-21

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