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OECS GREENLINK: Volume 1 | Issue 3


OECS GREENLINK: Volume 1 | Issue 3

These are challenging times, and it is no secret that these are challenging times, and it is no secret that the effects of COVID-19 have crippled world economies. The OECS region has not been spared in this dilemma. We continue to grapple with COVID-19 case management, marked by significantly increased pressures on regional health systems, coupled with the spinoff challenges of unemployment, limited educational instruction, and limited social interaction. Further compounding our situation is the natural phenomena of the hurricane season, and a volcanic eruption, in the case of Saint Vincent & the Grenadines.

File Name: OECS Green Link Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 3.pdf
Category: The Green Link Newsletter
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Created Date: 26-08-21
Last Updated Date: 26-08-21

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