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Knowledge Background

Developing the Potential of Business Incubation and enhancing the role of OECS-EDU in the Eastern Caribbean - Feasibility Study


Developing the Potential of Business Incubation and enhancing the role of OECS-EDU in the Eastern Caribbean - Feasibility Study

Executive Summary

This report relies primarily on first-hand information and experience gained by the project team. It has been prepared by experts from the Commonwealth Secretariat in close coordination with the European Union‟s Regional Management Office (EU-RMO), looking after an ICT business incubation project for some Eastern Caribbean states, and the OECS-EDU. In addition, the highlights and recommendations from this study was discussed at the Caribbean Regional Training Programme on Business Incubation held in St Vincent from 27-30 July 2009, conducted jointly by the Commonwealth Secretariat, EU-RMO and the World Bank Group‟s Information for Development Programme (infoDev). 

File Name: Developing the Potential of Business Incubation and enhancing the role of OECS-EDU in the Eastern Caribbean - Feasibility Study.pdf
Category: Business
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Created Date: 10-07-18
Last Updated Date: 26-03-21

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