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OECS Strategic Marketing of Agricultural Information Services through the OECS Diversification Co-ordination Unit


OECS Strategic Marketing of Agricultural Information Services through the OECS Diversification Co-ordination Unit

This dissertation recommends solutions to the problem of marketing agricultural information effectively to a broad range of clients: agricultural planners, researchers, extension officers, exporters and farmers. The study focuses on the Market Intelligence System being developed by the Agricultural Diversification Co-ordinating Unit of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. A methodology is developed for this System, based on a strategic approach to marketing. This involves analysis of the environment of the System; segmentation and needs assessment of its client groups; an information audit of the existing System; an analysis of market and product opportunities; and development of recommendations for a tactical marketing programme and its evaluation which reflects the priorities of the client groups. The marketing strategy developed for the case study emphasises client input and can be followed by information systems and networks in the Caribbean wishing to develop and market their services.

File Name: OECS Strategic Marketing Of Agricultural Information Services Through The OECS Diversification Co-ordination Unit.pdf
Category: Agriculture
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Created Date: 31-12-69
Last Updated Date: 14-09-16

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