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OECO Mission Genève


La Mission de l'OECO à Genève (officiellement connue à Genève sous le nom de Délégation permanente de l'Organisation des États de la Caraïbe orientale (OECO) auprès du Bureau des Nations Unies et d'autres organisations internationales à Genève) est une mission technique de la Commission de l'OECO représentant et faisant progresser les intérêts commerciaux et de développement de l'OECO à Genève.

Cette Mission à Genève a été établie en 2005 en réponse au manque de présence efficace de l'OECO à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). La Mission surveille, analyse et rend compte des développements et soumet des propositions aux comités et conseils. L'ouverture de la Mission a renforcé la capacité de l'OECO à traiter des questions liées à son adhésion à l'OMC et la Mission travaille en étroite collaboration avec l'Agence d'information et de coopération commerciales internationales (AITIC), également située à Genève

Favoriser le commerce durable dans l'OECO - L'océan et les économies numériques

In exploring trade-related policy options to drive a post-COVID-19 recovery and support long-term economic growth and resilience, this book examines how OECS countries can harness the promising opportunities of the ocean and digital economies. The “blue economy” approach, which centres around the sustainable utilisation of ocean and marine resources for economic growth and development – while simultaneously ensuring environmental sustainability of the ocean and coastal areas – is already a priority for OECS countries, with the potential to set their economies on a more sustainable footing.


The key focus of the Mission is increased engagement of the OECS in the work of key trade and development and related international organisations in Geneva, including the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the World Intellectual Property Organisation, and the International Trade Centre (ITC);

  1. Represent and advance the interests and positions of the OECS at the WTO in its Regular (monitoring and implementation) Committees and in the multilateral trade negotiations;
  2. Represent and advance the interests, needs and positions of the OECS in the work of UNCTAD in its three pillars of intergovernmental consensus building; research and analysis; and the provision of technical assistance and capacity building;
  3. Provide strategic, technical and political advice and analysis to the Commission and the Member States on the work and developments in Geneva;
  4. Contribute to and participate in the identification and development of OECS interests, concerns and positions within the OECS coordinating and consultative frameworks;
  5. Provide regular analytical reports on related developments in Geneva;
  6. Facilitate engagement with development agencies (UNCTAD, ITC, WIPO, WTO and others) for requesting and securing technical and capacity building assistance on trade and related issues;
  7. Facilitate and provide technical and administrative support to visiting OECS delegations in Geneva;


HE. Colin Murdoch
Ambassador and Permanent Observer 
Tel: 41 22 730 1745

Joel Richards
Senior Technical Specialist
Tel:  +41 07 82 14 83 83

Kurt Corbin
Senior Driver 
Tel: 41 22 730 1745

Learn more about OECS Geneva Mission

The OECS is working in close collaboration with all the Ministries of its Member States on all matters related to food security and agriculture in the Eastern Caribbean. The Council of Ministers of Agriculture is hosted once a year. This meeting aims to provide a common response to issues in agriculture in the Eastern Caribbean and harmonize the strategy in food security and agriculture in the OECS Member states.

Antigua and Barbuda Flag
Saint Lucia Flag
Commonwealth of Dominica Flag
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Flag
Grenada Flag
British Virgin Island Flag
Montserrat Flag
Anguilla Flag

Our coalitions, alliances and group in Advancing the trade and development interests of the OECS in Geneva

The OECS has been partnering for multiple years with regional and international agencies who Advancing the trade and development interests of the OECS in Geneva

In addition to direct engagements in the various bodies (Councils, Boards, Committees, Groups and Working Parties) of the organisations, the interests, concerns and positions of the OECS are also advanced and channelled through various coalitions, alliances and groups in the organisations to which the OECS Member States belong. Click the Graphic Below to see the various groups .



Morne Fortune, Castries, Saint Lucia

Téléphone : +1 (758) 455-6327

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